Is it appropriate for my posts to get intimate about intimacy? After all, sex sells, right?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Things in Common

So, I was already struggling to decide what I wanted to write on today, but upon checking my e-mail, it hit me.

This will require a short background on my current situation:

I'm on a dating website, as meeting anyone IRL has proven pretty difficult, for a variety of reasons (i'm a hermit, i work(ed) too much, lack of friends (until recently), quality men in South Florida are very far and few between..the list goes on).

Anyway, so, the dating site.

I get countless messages from guys daily, all with the relatively same theme: "You're cute, I like your profile, I think we have some things in common, we should chat. P.S.- Hanson is gay."

You think we have some things in common?! Really?!!?!! Brilliant line guys, brilliant line. Of course we do. We're human, aren't we? I have things in common with Taylor Hanson, does that mean we should "chat?" Yeah. Nope.

This same sort of thing goes with my feelings on horoscopes. They are just generic messages created for us to evoke a feeling of "oh now my day has meaning." We can all read a horoscope and somehow mold our sick heads into thinking it applies to us. Try it tomorrow. I was born Oct. 18, which makes me a Libra. Tomorrow I think I'll be a Taurus. Then I will write back one of those guys and see what crazy things he thinks we may have in common. Ha.

I swear I'm not bitter.
In fact--something really endearing happened today.

The maintenance guy at my complex has a crush on me. He made it a point one day when we ran into each other to tell me, right after he made it clear it was his day off, so he wouldn't get in trouble I assume.

He came by today to fix something and was just so damn nice. His biggest concern was that I wasn't working too hard, and that I lock the door as soon as he left. Shame those were the only words I could pick out of his Spanglish. Nonetheless, cheers to the nice guy who was brave enough to show it in person.

Happy Caturday!